
Determine the Easter Date in a Wanted Year  

Pope pleases the great mathematician Gauss to tell him when Easter will be in a wanted year.
Gauss says that Easter will be always on: 4 April+D days+E days where:
D is determined by following the steps
1 - the year is divided by 19;
2 - the remainder is multiplied by 19;
3 - to the result of step two add fix factor 15;
4 - the sum of values obtained in the steps 1 to 3 is divided to 30 and the remainder is D;
E is determined by following the steps:
1 - the year is divided by 4 and the remainder will be multiplied by 2;
2 - the year is divided by 4 and the remainder will be multiplied by 4;
3 - compute the sum of values obtained to step 1 and 2;
4 - to the sum add 6*D and to product add 6;
5 - the total sum is divided by 7 and the remainder will be E.
Note: This Formulas Compute The Easter Date For Orthodox (even Pope is Catholic!)
A code that implements this algorithm is implemented in VBScript and in JavaScript in that page.
For the VBScript solution the year must be represented on three or four digits only. It is a restriction imposed by the Microsoft implementation of the functions DateAdd() and CDate().

VBScript based solution. 

The button VBScript Solution from the form do not react if the browser is not a Microssoft Internet Explorer version.

JavaScript based solution.

The button JavaScript Solution must work in any circumstances (is a javascript solution).

Type the year you want in the box Wanted Year and then press the button corresponding to the solution you want check.

Wanted Year:    Easter Date:


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