Technologies on e-Business

HTML5 hgroup tag

Web pages and Web sites


A Web site is defined as a collection of files that are linked to a central Web page, made available via the Web (the pages forms a cohesive collection of information) as entry point for the website. The Web server is a type of server dedicated to storing, transmitting and receiving the Web pages and Web related files (such GIF and JPEG graphics, AVI sound and images and so on)....

HTML Document


The commands for displaying text use their own language called Hypertext Markup Language, or HTML. HTML is nothing more than a coding system that combines formatting information in textual form with the readable text of a document. In practical terms, HTML is a collection of platform-independent styles (indicated by markup tags) that defines the various components of a World Wide Web document.



CSS is a language that allows defining the way in which a document displayed referring to the usage of parental levels of pages, of the fonts (name, color, size) and font family, or in other words, CSS is a style language that defines layout of HTML documents. CSS is used for formatting structured content.